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EDU 800 Week 8

EDU 800 Week 8

This week I decided to explore the work of Richardson a bit more as I found her article in the weekly readings useful and well-articulated.  I found the following article which discusses critical thinking and student preferences in discussion boards.   Richardson, J....
EDU 800 Week 6 Post 2

EDU 800 Week 6 Post 2

This week I was able to find a couple of articles concerned with levels of interactivity in online video content.  My search yielded several interesting articles, of which I picked two to review. Below is the first. Delen, E., Liew, J., & Willson, V. (2014)....
EDU 800 Week 6 post 1

EDU 800 Week 6 post 1

This article was the second of two I reviewed that dealt with learning outcomes of various forms of interactivity in video. Cojean, S., & Jamet, E. (2017). Facilitating information-seeking activity in instructional videos: The combined effects of micro- and...
EDU 800 Week 5

EDU 800 Week 5

This week I decided to explore current hypertext research.  I was able to find an article using similar methods and addressing some of the dame concerns as the readings for the week.   Salmerón, L., Naumann, J., García, V., & Fajardo, I. (2017). Scanning and deep...