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EDU 800 Week 12

EDU 800 Week 12

This week I took a look at the use of VR in the medical field. Dascal, J., Reid, M., IsHak, W. W., Spiegel, B., Recacho, J., Rosen, B., & Danovitch, I. (2017). Virtual Reality and Medical Inpatients: A Systematic Review of Randomized, Controlled Trials....
EDU 800 Week 3

EDU 800 Week 3

This week I took a look at two very similar articles.  Both were studies of trends in educational technology research methodology and subject matter over the course of two starting points and ending in 2014.  I read the article from Scientometrics first, which...
EDU 800 Week 2

EDU 800 Week 2

This week I was able to find an interesting article from ETRD on conceptual frameworks for educational technology research.  I’ve been trying to follow the AECT lately and this was a nice, relevant find for this week’s topics. Antonenko, P. D. (2015). The instrumental...