EDU 811 Week 11 Summaries
Sitzmann, T., & Ely, K. (2011). A meta-analysis of self-regulated learning in work-related training and educational attainment: What we know and where we need to go. Psychological Bulletin, 137(3), 421.
In this meta-analysis the researchers examine self-regulation constructs, proposing a framework of 16 heuristics. The break the body of SRL research down into these 16 constructs, describe each in detail, then examine the inter-relations found in their analysis. Results were expressed in correlations both in tabular and in narrative format.
This piece is very detailed and perhaps one on the strongest meta-analysis I have read. This is primarily because of the clarity and detail expressed in the review of literature. The authors have explored a wealth of significant literature in SRL, providing a unique global view of the field of study. The set of heuristics is logical, well-referenced and useful in providing a framework for future research. The heading structure is well-defined with the reader in mind, helping to distill a large amount of research. Major results are presented in tables which also provides clarity.
I found this literature important to me, because as I explore SRL for my synthesis paper, I find I am having a hard time defining the various constructs of SRL. The topic is broad and definitions are varied and mixed. This work provided a clear picture of the various constructs involved. Interestingly, the article was written from the context of professional training and not higher education. Despite that it was remarkably well-referenced and informed by the literature. While I am exploring the use of technology to enhance self-regulation specifically, after reading this article I feel I have a much better grasp on the elements of SRL in general and can now explore the topic with more granularity.
Winne, P. H., & Nesbit, J. C. (2009). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning with Cognitive Tools. In Handbook of metacognition in education (pp. 259–277).
In this article, the authors discuss proposed methods software might be used to aid in the metacognitive elements of Self-Regulated Learning. In order to frame the conversation, the authors summarize a framework for SRL consisting of 4 phases: definition of task, goals and planning, studying tactics, and adaptations. This framework also contains a concept of gateway constructs that must be navigated by the learner for successful SRL to occur. These are: registering conditions, valid interpretations, capability, and capacity and opportunity. Problems in learner SRL are discussed, after which solutions involving software are proposed. No research was conducted as a part of this article.
This article has numerous strong points, which might be expected from a researcher well-known in this field of study. I found the discussion of software solutions to be the most practical, but the structure of the article overall makes the article feel focused and concise. All solutions were also framed in reference to the conceptual framework presented earlier. One thing that might be improved was the discussion of the 4-phase theory. This was represented graphically, but not well-described. Many graphical elements were not discussed. Overall though, this was a very strong summary of challenges learners face in SRL and ways those problems might be addressed.
I found the article fascinating and uniquely applicable to my area of focus. As I am concentrating on technological tools that aid in SRL, this is the most directly applicable article I have found yet. I also enjoyed the authors discussion of proposed features of software, not yet in existence, along with those currently in existence.
Devolder, A., van Braak, J., & Tondeur, J. (2012). Supporting self-regulated learning in computer-based learning environments: systematic review of effects of scaffolding in the domain of science education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(6), 557–573.
This article is a systematic review of literature on scaffolding and self-regulation in computer- based learning environments. The research begins with a well-constructed background/review of literature on the topics of scaffolding and self-regulated learning. After describing exclusion and inclusion criteria, summaries of key topics are addressed. The authors present a framework for study of scaffolding and self-regulation and suggestions for further research.
This article contains a very clear, focused introduction. The authors connect the two domains in a logical manner, intertwining primary research in both fields. Likewise, their summaries are well-referenced. However, the reported results could be more clearly reported. There are wide-ranging summaries that could be broken down further by heading structure. Results are also reported in a tabular format, but the narrative report lacks clarity in structure. Additionally, the proposed framework is not clearly stated in the artic
I found this research interesting, as it discusses topics relevant to my area of interest in motivation in technology-rich environments. There are a wealth of other references to draw from in further exploration of SRL. While the reporting lacked some clarity, the information is well-supported, providing numerous opportunities for further research should I pursue this topic.
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